Whilst busy reminiscing about my life, a quote by a certain man of God was triggered and it kept lingering in my mind, the pastor said, “In the University of God, however brilliant you may be, you will not be given double promotion, you will take every course, because each one serves a purpose”. This continued to press strongly in my mind and it made me ponder on the intricate way in which life has been designed.
The University of God in simple terms is the life we live in God on a daily basis, we study his word (theory) and we go and act upon it (practical’s) as we move to different levels in life and also in him.
I always thought God will only care more about those who are Christians than the ones who are not, or he will destine greatness upon those who gave their hearts to him. As I grew in my knowledge of him, I realised I was totally wrong, God cares about each and every one on this vast planet, and whether or not we give our life to him he leads and directs our lives without us noticing at times. We are all in the University of God and as the pastor said in the opening paragraph, we take each and every course that has been set out for us.
Whatever our destiny is, it will contain challenges that we have to go through, to some the challenges seem bigger, more painful and harder than others, it just means God has destined greater things for you and he knows that whatever may come your way you will be able to handle it. We will have take each and every course as it serves a purpose in our lives, there is always a lesson in every trial that comes our way and we should change our perspective so we can learn everything that is needed in the current course that one will be taking at that time.
My favourite entrepreneur of all time said “You cannot connect the dots moving forward; you can only connect them looking backward”, when we busy taking the various courses in the University of God, sometimes we might not see the meaning and lessons behind everything but after that course one can connect the dots and see the actual purpose of the challenge we just went through.
One can simply read whether in the bible or articles about successful people in this day and age, the road they took in order to reach certain levels in their lives, we will be able to connect the dots and understand the purpose of each course they took in their lives. Everyone in this life, whether Christian or not, we are in the University of God and he brings along challenges that grind and refine us all the time to prepare us greatness in this life and beyond.
We should now therefore never be discouraged when going through extreme challenges in our lives, our perspective should always be that whatever it is which seems, difficult, and challenging us at any given moment, is as if it`s another course we have to take in the University of God.
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