A certain father and his son undertook a long journey travelling on the freeway, whilst continuing, they reached an area where a storm started mildly, to the son`s amazement the father continued telling him to be strong and press on even when it became dark and the storm got worse. He kept on pushing his father to stop by side of the road or turn back because it was a dark, windy, and the rain was making it near impossible for him to see the way, but the father kept on repeating his call to be strong and press forward through the storm. After a while they came out of the storm and it was calm again, the father instructed him to go by the side of the road and he now showed his son the storm they went past and reiterated to him that he should never give up, take a break or turn back no matter the storm he`s going through because he will never reach the destination he set out from the beginning.
The ultimate plan of the father of darkness is to ensure that we reach a point where we get discouraged as well as reject the existence of Jesus and his power. The devil will throw a number of challenges our way that we end up doubting whether there is a God or not, our lives will be plunged into total darkness and we see no way out. This in its entirety is the ultimate goal of the devil and the moment we get discouraged and reject Jesus, the devil has won, due to whatever we might be going through we end up giving victory to him.
Like the father who kept on pushing his son to be strong and press forward, we need to continue listening to the same God who spoke to Joshua three times saying be strong and courageous, the Israelites had passed the Jordan river but still had to fight many nations in order to possess the promised land that flowed with milk and honey.
We owe it to ourselves and the next generation to ensure we walk without tiring or being discouraged the journey that is before us, even though storms and hard times may arise. The devil will throw everything he possibly can to discourage us that we don’t reach our destiny because by nature he doesn’t like anything good happening in our lives no matter how minute it is.
Job knew better than to allow the devil to discourage his trust in God, even his wife told him to curse God and die, but in all he did and said he never doubted God and he patiently waited for him to do exceedingly, abundantly above all he could ask or imagine him to can do, so above all things be strong and courageous God is faithful.
