To some people if not many, being surrounded by people who take them for granted in multiple ways is the normal way of life, business as usual if I where to put it in other words. On a day to day basis words and actions will always be more or less going like, you will never measure up, you don’t belong here, I know you, this and that you can`t do, you will never achieve the finer things of this life, you can never be this, maybe because of your upbringing or the area in which you hail from, one will never find a definitive reason for all of this.
The company you have been keeping seem to somehow have a tremendous stronghold over you because, any opportunity they get, derogatory comments are uttered about your life or they perform actions that will definitely kill your confidence in your own abilities, and also ensure you never reach the potential you where meant to achieve in this world. Them being in your life is not the problem, but it is the words and actions they constantly exhibit, that creates a number of problems, as they eventually sink in and settle, from that moment henceforth, you believe and live by that which you are told you are.
Now there are those people who one can boldly say are really few in this world, those that make it of utmost importance, that they are surrounded by company that always have positive words to say or perform actions that will build you up to be the version of yourself. Sometimes their words and actions might be hurtful and seem to be criticising to us but the motive behind it all, is to give one a jolt of energy to get in the right track and also to raise the level at which we go on about our lives.
I call these people “keepers”, your life absolutely depends on having them close to your life. Deep in their hearts, they long to see you achieve greatness and all they devote their life to, is making sure you don’t stray away from your purpose in life. They might know your weaknesses, but will rather choose the path of getting your strength to overcome them. These keepers are few and sparsely dispersed in this world, so if the opportunity avails itself of finding a keeper or few in your life, be sure to cherish them and keep them really close to you, especially those who will periodically give you a stern rebuke when you need it in life.
In order to rectify the constant trauma, we endured over time from the people we surrounded ourselves with, it is important that we find keepers and gradually make them part of our lives. It doesn’t end by surrounding yourself with keepers, one has to believe that they will achieve greatness, and the carve out a way to realise their full potential.
The more we surround ourselves with people who are better than us in life, we will be well on our way to being the best version of ourselves which will see us making an immeasurable impact in this life and beyond.
