I recently asked a friend of mine what seems to be a silly question at first glance, but it really is the basis of true Christianity. The question was, do you love secrets? She duly replied with a vigorous yes. I continued to probe further and asked which secrets do you love, dark or light (of the) secrets, and the answer was secrets of the light.
After my very brief interview, I now delved deeper into the reason I asked the weird questions. I see life in two ways, there is darkness and light, both have varying characteristics and because of the beauty of life we can choose to pursue either darkness or light. When one is converted to Christianity focus is very key to achieving greater heights in God, so we still have two choices here which are whether to pursue dark secrets or that of the light.
By choosing to pursue dark secrets, we become fascinated and to an extent obsessed with what darkness is doing in our lives and family, who the agents of darkness are, that surround our lives, and acquiring knowledge of what God is doing in darkness. It is a good thing in a way, as most of the times the way in which we go about attaining this information, is through prayer. However way it may sound a virtuous thing, I feel it effectively builds a wall around one`s mind which hinders you from experiencing God in all his glory and splendour. God is way more than what he does in darkness and the book of Daniel and Revelations, just to name a few are true testament that there is more to God that we need to pursue.
Now when we opt to go after secrets of the light, we make moves towards finding out more of who God is, what makes him tick, what he likes and what he dislikes. We will posses an insatiable desire to know more about his kingdom, which then reveals a huge bag of secrets concerning the hierarchy, the general way in which particular things work and also what he is doing for us on a daily basis and towards the future.
The bible says his ways are higher than ours, his thoughts also higher than ours, if we strive relentlessly to attain the ways in which heaven works, our minds will be blown out of their current confining walls and we will begin to experience life in a manner that will truly be discombobulating to others, but our lives will be so surreal here on earth that the actual meaning of life itself will be shattered, as we will start living a great, purposeful, and impactful life.
It all starts with a simple choice between light and darkness. There was a man in the bible whose name was Solomon; he made a right choice one night and it turned out to be the turning point of his own life. During the day he offered a great and extraordinary sacrifice to the Lord, and at night God visited in his dreams and told him to ask anything he wanted and God will grant it to him, to be honest if it where me, I would have asked for R100 000 000, as this would make me achieve a whole lot of my dreams and goals. He was unlike me and he asked for wisdom, God gave him a supreme level of wisdom and provided him with more than he asked for even though he didn’t say he wanted it.
Likewise, if we choose to pursue after secrets of the light, God will also give us the knowledge we didn’t go after just because he sees a heart that hungers and thirsts after him. Let us therefore choose wisely, we stand a chance of living a blissful and amazing life, only if we make the right choice, light or darkness.
